
作者: 孑影吟风
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让win7开机就像开关电视机一样瞬间就开 ,瞬间就关

孑影吟风 发表于 2015-6-11 11:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
查看: 4177|回复: 0
  What about turning my PC off?
  So far, we have been talking about how to save power while the PC is ON. But, there are power savings to gain by entering low power modes when the PC is not in use. Many users simply Shut Down their computer when it is not in use, yet others use Sleep and sometimes Hibernate on mobile PCs. Windows features each of these power-saving modes so you can choose the right mode for how you use the system:
  Sleep : All of the open programs, documents and files are preserved in system RAM and the rest of the system is powered off. Because only memory is powered, Sleep consumes a very small amount of power—typically less than 1W on a mobile PC and typically less than 3W on a desktop PC. The primary benefit of Sleep is that resume is very fast—most systems resume from sleep in less than 2 seconds.
  Hibernate: All of the open programs, documents and files are copied from system RAM to the hard drive. The resulting file is called the Hiberfile. After RAM is copied into the Hiberfile, all of the PC is powered off. Hibernate is most often used on mobile PCs because it consumes nearly 0W on most laptops, and even if the battery does eventually drain, all of the open programs and documents are saved in the Hiberfile. As RAM continues to grow, and as some PCs have limited storage, Hibernate might not be the best option for folks.  (As a quick tip, the disk cleanup wizard, or powercfg –hibernate off, can remove the disk space pre-allocated to hibernate).
  Shut Down - This is a normal Windows shutdown, nothing is saved to memory or disk, and the system boots again the next time the system is powered on.
  Using an example desktop PC, we measured power consumption for Sleep, Hibernate, Shut Down and the basic ON state, with just the desktop shown and no open programs. We also measured resume latency—the amount of time to get the system back to the ON state.
  The chart makes it pretty clear why we focus on Sleep reliability and performance, and encourage most people to use it when they are not using their computer. Sleep consumes nearly the same amount of power as Shut Down, but resumes the system in less than 2 seconds, instead of going through the boot process.  You can see that boot takes a significant amount of power so when considering whether to turn off your machine to save power or to put it into a low power state, think about how long your machine will be out of use.  Nevertheless, as we’ve talked about in previous blogs boot (and shutdown) are obviously very important performance scenarios as we engineer Windows 7.
  Next Steps
  We are committed to continuously improving the energy efficiency of Windows PCs, and have made significant improvements to core platform power management for Windows 7, as well as tools to identify where power is consumed. We still have more work to do, and look forward to our upcoming Beta release and monitoring incoming CEIP telemetry for energy efficiency and power management results.  Of course we continue to work very closely with the other members of the ecosystem as we all have much to contribute to energy efficiency—from the manufacturing, usage, and end of life of a PC, software, and peripherals.
  P: 用过Vista推荐的睡眠(即低功耗快速开机),都会非常惊奇开关机的迅速,本人每天都享受着2秒关4秒开的高速度,某种程度上还改变了我使用电脑的习惯(节约电)。
  P:  坚信Vista符合“能源之星”(美国人写的当然要符合美标),会给我们一个优秀的功耗及开机速度的优化选择(入夏时我就用手摸过睡眠时的内存片温度,仅微微有点温;不像XP待机内存/CPU都发烫)。
  P:  星期天闲来无事,决定测试一下睡眠的实际功耗,解开我的电脑睡眠功耗之谜。经过测试,完全关机(shut down)4.84W/22mA,睡眠(sleep)6.12W/28mA,睡眠功耗仅增加1.28W,表现相当优秀(本人主板设置为键盘开机,功耗增加 0.66W/3mA)。特别要说明:我的内存是4条,如果是2条,睡眠功耗应该减少一半。
  P:  当然,如果您长时间不用电脑,还是拔下插头切断电源为好。每小时6W,一年也要52.5度电,5毛一度也要25元。计算机电源插头插上(打印机,显示器,空调等家电都一样),就要为电费买单。
  WIDOWS7最终将把睡眠放在开关机的第一位,她和VISTA以前的功能不可同日而语!WIDOWS7的开关机就和DVD播放器的暂停、播放一样快速简单!千万不要 只知其一不知其二 知其然不知其所以然
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  2009-1-16 13:42
  第二天上班只要轻轻按一下计算机电源按钮瞬间就进到工作桌面了,一个字,爽 !!!


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